Memang selalu menjadi pertanyaan yang menarik mengenai rekaman sebuah pembicaraan, apakah asli atau tidak.
Begitu juga yang terjadi dengan hasil rekaman yang beredar di internet tentang apa yang terjadi dalam cockpit pesawat Adam Air berjenis Boeing 737-400 yang “nyemplung” ke laut bersama 96 penumpang (dimana terdiri dari 85 orang dewasa, 7 anak-anak dan 4 bayi) dan enam awak pesawat (2 pilot dan 4 cabin crew) pada 1 Januari 2007 lalu.
Beberapa pihak menyatakan rekaman itu “tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan keasliannya”, bahasa yang halus untuk menyatakan bahwa rekaman itu palsu, sebab untuk membaca rekaman pembicaraan dari blackbox yang ditemukan di dasar laut butuh satu alat dan saat ini posisinya “aman” tersimpan dalam satu kotak yang tertutup.
Hanya saja, ada pihak yang mengatakan itu asli. Saya sendiri sebagai “pengamat telematika” cenderung mengatakan “sulit menerima jika dikatakan bahwa rekaman pembicaraan yang beredar luas di internet itu sebagai tidak asli. Ada beberapa penjelasan mengenai hal itu:
1. Pembicaran yang terjadi, tidak jauh berbeda dengan apa yang disampaikan dalam laporan lengkap Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi. Dalam laporan lengkap setebal 84 halaman yang bisa diunduh di View&articleId=293 misalnya saja mengenai instruksi untuk fly heading 070, crossing radial 307 mike kilo sierra dan FMS yang bermasalah. Berikut kutipan dari Laporan Akhir KNKT:
06:54:08.3 UPG instructed, Adam 574 heading 070 for tracking to DIOLA.
06:54:16.0 UPG repeated the instruction, 574 fly heading 070.
06:54:24.2 The PIC remarked to the copilot the wind is normal again.
06:54:30.3 The copilot responded to the controller’s instruction, affirm, so thecontroller instructed, roger fly 070°.
06:55:58.0 Following a request from the PIC, the copilot asked the UPGLower controller to confirm their position by radar.
06:56:04.3 The controller informed the crew, Adam 574, position is 125 milesmike kilo sierra, crossing radial 307 mike kilo sierra.
06:56:11.5 The copilot replied ok that’s confirm Adam 574.
06:56:15.7 The CVR showed that the pilots again started expressing concernsabout the cockpit instrument discrepancies, such as, the EFIS andFMS are messed up. The CVR continued to record until 06:57:52.1.06:58 The radar target changed to flight plan track on the controller’s screendisplay. That meant that the secondary radar return was no longer received by the ground radar head. The last radar position of the aircraft was 118° 13´ East and 03° 55´ South at FL 350 (35,000 feet) at 06:58.
2. Dari rekaman dan hasil laporan KNKT terlihat bahwa masa krisis adalah sama, sekitar 5 menit.
3. Menjelang jatuh, terdengar alarm yang biasa muncul ketika pesawat dalam posisi terlalu menukik ke atas atau terjun bebas berbunyai BANK ANGLE, BANK ANGLE, BANK ANGLE, BANK ANGLE, yang bisa dicek dengan Microsoft flight simulator.
4. Dengan teknologi digital, proses perpindahan data dari DFDR (digital flight data recorder) dimungkinkan dengan mudah dan cepat. Sehingga, sulit mengatakan bahwa data rekaman pembicaraan asli tidak tersebar/bocor ke mana-mana.
On 1 January 2007, a Boeing Company 737-4Q8 aircraft, registered PK-KKW, operated byAdam SkyConnection Airlines (AdamAir) as flight number DHI 574, was on ascheduled passenger flight from Surabaya (SUB), East Java to Manado (MDC), Sulawesi,at FL 350 (35,000 feet) when it disappeared from radar.
The aircraft departed from Djuanda Airport, Surabaya at 05:59 Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) under the instrument flight rules (IFR), with an estimated time of arrival (ETA) atSam Ratulangi Airport, Manado of 08:14. The pilot in command (PIC) was the pilot flyingfor the sector to Manado and the copilot was the monitoring/support pilot. There were 102people on board; two pilots, 4 cabin crew, and 96 passengers comprised of 85 adults, 7children and 4 infants.
The Indonesian Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, and Search and Rescue organization, aSingaporean Air Force Fokker 50 aircraft, the USNS Mary Sears, National TransportationSafety Committee of Indonesia, Air Accident Investigation Bureau of Singapore,Singapore Navy Divers, and other resources searched for the wreckage of PK-KKW in theMakassar Strait, in the vicinity of the last radar return.
Nine days after the aircraft disappeared, wreckage was found in the water and on the shorealong the coast near Pare-Pare, Sulawesi. Locator beacon signals from the flight recorderswere heard on 21 January 2007 and their positions logged. The attempt to recover therecorders was suspended when it was determined that the wreckage was located in theocean at a depth of about 2,000 meters, requiring specialized recovery equipment notavailable in the Region.
The salvage operation to recover the flight recorders commenced on 24 August 2007 andthe DFDR and CVR were recovered on 27 and 28 August 2007 respectively. The CVRrevealed that both pilots were concerned about navigation problems and subsequentlybecame engrossed with trouble shooting Inertial Reference System (IRS) anomalies for atleast the last 13 minutes of the flight, with minimal regard to other flight requirements. Thisincluded identification and attempts at corrective actions.
History of the FlightOn 1 January 2007, a Boeing Company 737-4Q8 aircraft, registered PK-KKW,operated by Adam SkyConnection Airlines (AdamAir) as flight number DHI574, was on a scheduled passenger flight from Surabaya (SUB), East Java toManado (MDC), Sulawesi, at FL 350 (35,000 feet) when it disappeared from radar.
The aircraft departed from Djuanda Airport, Surabaya at 05:59 CoordinatedUniversal Time1 (UTC) under the instrument flight rules (IFR), with an estimatedtime of arrival (ETA) at Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado of 08:14. The fuelendurance on departure from Surabaya was 4 hours 30 minutes, and the crew hadflight planned for an alternate of Gorontalo (GTO). The pilot in command (PIC)was the pilot flying for the sector to Manado and the copilot was themonitoring/support pilot.
Aircraft Data
Registration Mark : PK–KKW
Manufacturer : Boeing Company
Country of Manufacturer : United States of AmericaType Model : B737-4Q8Serial Number : 24070
Date of manufacture : 1989
Certificate of Airworthiness : 2288
Issued : 20 December 2006
Valid to : 19 January 2007
Certificate of Registration : 2288
Issued : 20 December 2006
Validity : 19 December 2007
Category : Regular Commercial
FlightCrew (Cockpit/Cabin) : 2 pilots and 4 cabin crew
Passengers seats : 170
Time Since New : 45,371 hours
Cycles Since New : 26,725 cyclesLast C2 Check Inspection : November 2005
Next Major Inspection : C3 (March 2007)Last Minor Inspection : A13 (19 Dec 2006) 45,261 hoursNext Minor Inspection : A14 (19 Jan 2007) 45,511 hoursThe aircraft, a Boeing 737-4Q8, first flew on 11 January 1989. The aircraft wasleased from a holding company by AdamAir, and had many previous owners andoperators.
Engine Data
Engine Type : Turbo-fanManufacturer : GE/SNECMAModel : CFM 56 -3C1Serial Number Engine 1 : 725133– TSN : 42,171 hours– CSN : 22,916 cyclesSerial Number Engine 2 : 726404– TSN : 30,785 hours– CSN : 19,854 cycles
1 komentar:
Kalau itu memang benar dan merujuk isi pembicaraan pilot dan co pilot pesawat adam air tersebut, artinya kondisi armada penerbangan kita memang sangat memprihatinkan ya. Pesawatnya tidak laik terbang, tapi dipaksa terbang juga.
Jadi ngeri nih naik pesawat, terutama 2nd airline provider.
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